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Ready to Write a Book
Ready to Write a Book
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:00 pm
I'm due for new harnesses. Some questions:

> For FIA harnesses, I assume the start date is punched in the harness? How do you buy harnesses online when those dates are not indicated?

> I've had Schroth with pull-up waist belts. I've never been able to get the waist as snug as I'd like. Is pull-down better?
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Ready to Write a Book
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:12 pm
If you are interested in the Schroth belts you can call HMS Motorsport directly and see what date they have on the belts they are the US dealer for Schroth harnesses:
They also have a list of local dealers on their website that you can call direct.
James Chartres
SRF #82 - Chassis #501

Forum Hermit
Forum Hermit
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:22 am

Over the years I have found that Pull Up is usually better when you have your crew help. Pull down works better when doing it yourself.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:07 am
It's the expiration year that's punched through on the FIA tags (belts are legal through the end of that year)

I have the Schroths, with pull-down lap belts. I've also been using 2" lap, with the 2/3 hybrid shoulder harness, and two point sub-belt since they were legal. The 2" sits much lower around the hips (avoiding soft tissue areas) and I rarely have to tug on them once they're set. I can put more pressure with the pull down than I could with the pull-up (typically, I'll pull up a bit on the metal junction point, while pulling down with the other hand to make it easier for the belt to slide through when pulling.) It's also important to get the length of the sub belt right so you don't pull the lap belt up when everything is snug. The angle of the shoulder harness is pretty critical. Too much downward angle, and you're inviting a compression fracture in a hard collision; too little and you'll increase the potential for the shoulder harness to slip off.
Bob Breton - SRF 51 - San Francisco Region

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